This summer has started off with a BANG. We are finishing out radiation treatment. I can't believe that the long six weeks is almost over. Actually it went by rather quickly. It's been hectic and crazy driving to Ft. Worth every day, but now we are on day 25 of 28! I can't believe it. Many thanks to the sweet friends who have driven me, talked to me, and convinced me that it's all ok. I just pray with everything in me that this is the last week I will ever be walking into Dr. Nielsen's clinic...well, except for a few visits just to say hi over the years, of course. Clayton has still done remarkably well. His ear is quite red, although he doesnt complain about it. It just looks like a really bad sunburn. He honestly has not complained one time about it hurting. His tummy still acts a little sick and his appetite hasn't been great, but he is still playing, going on about life and acts like it's just no big deal. I'm the one worrying. He's really been amazing. Last night I was laying by him on the couch and was whispering very quietly in his ear. He was answering all of my questions. Yes, this was his ear that he's supposed to have significant hearing loss in. I mean, it was very tiny whispers that were being answered. It reminded me of that vision God gave me the first weeks of this experience of the Holy Spirit inhaling all of the sickness out of Clayton's ear and breathing back in fresh health. I love that picture and am so thankful for it.

This week my parents came to visit. Mom came early in the week to see Kate's dance recital, which was gorgeous, and Dad came later in the week to drive mom home. My sister is here now with her girls and we're all just playing and enjoying being together. This is a big week, or should I say day for me. As I write and the clock has stuck midnight, I am now a 40 year old. Yep... my 40th bday is here.. today. If you had told me last year on my 39th bday that I'd be driving my baby to radiation on my 40th bday, I would have never believed it. But, so be it. My sister is here to help me celebrate because it's her bday too. We share a birthday 2 years apart, so it's always a special time to get to be together on our birthday. Last night some sweet friends had a surprise party for me. It was precious and a a night I will always remember.
While family has been in town, we've been able to do a lot since Clayton's counts have been so high. We went to Hawaiian Falls on Wednesday, which was a very fun day. We watched baseball... His baseball team is still in the city championship and hope to bring home a victory this weekend.

I'm just praying that Clayton will be well enough to play. He has inpatient chemo, aka..Big Chemo.. this week, which means his little body gets another hit of the big stuff. He also has a birthday coming up on Saturday.. 6/16. We are tentatively planning an event at USwirl on Saturday. I'll let you all know the time later. We'd like to have an open house for Clayton, and uswirl has offered to donate part of the earnings that day to Ronald Mcdonald House in Ft Worth in honor of Clayton's 7th birthday. I'll post more details in a day or 2. We just have to see how he feels, and how the Marlins tournament plays out. But, we hope to see as many of you there as can come. Come by, play a board game or Twister with Clayton and enjoy some yogurt. Again, I'll post exact time hopefully tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for continuing to pray for our family. This journey is long, and even though his results have been amazing, Satan still likes to scare me about the "what ifs". Funny how he gets into my mind and tries to make me fearful, wavering and unsure about the outcome. Yes, it's scary and our prayer is that Clayton outlives his parents by a huge number of years... We are believing that. Please pray for opportunities for us to share God's goodness in our circumstance, for boldness in our children to share His good works, and for a peace to pour over our hearts as we trudge forward toward the end of this long journey. We have taken steps and planned some family trips this summer. Please pray that Clayton feels well, continues to stay strong and will be able to enjoy the trips and outings that we planned. We love you all so much and appreciate you all more than you know.
God is so good! I love reading your updates and hearing how well Clayton is doing! He's such a brave boy! I hope y'all are able to have a fun summer and make many memories!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a wonderful birthday as you spend it with your precious family. Still praying.