So today my baby turned 7! I can't believe how fast 7 years has flown. He got an awesome surprise this morning when my brother and his family showed up as a surprise. Yep... all but one of Clayton's cousins on my side of the family were here to help him celebrate his 7th birthday. It was precious to me and precious to him. 11 cousins...all here!
He started out the day playing another game where the Marlins pulled off another win. He did awesome and got two hits.

After the game, he got a surprise visit from a nice limo driving him to USwirl for his birthday event. He and some cousins and friends rode over together in style. These pics aren't great. I had friends taking pictures that I haven't seen yet..But, thank you to Mr. Doblebower for blessing Clayton with a limo ride. So sweet. As far as his USwirl event. I AM OVERWHELMED by the love and support that our community has shown us. Totally blessed by the sweet people that show up to wish my little boy a happy birthday and to honor what he's going through. SO BLESSED.. There are more pics on my facebook page that I'd love for you all to see. If you'd had told me a year ago that I'd be sitting in Uswirl at a benefit for my son who is in his 5th month of cancer treatment, I'd have told you that you were crazy. I still can't believe we are doing this and that this is our lives. It began like a nightmare that wouldnt end. Now, it does feel like just our lives. The knot in my stomach in the morning is just something I'm used to now. It's just there. The days that I wake up and dont feel it, those are the exception. We are just waking up, crying when we need to cry, celebrating the victories as they come and thanking God for each great day.

Last week we were at Cooks for Clayton's overnight chemo and I decided to let Cort stay overnight with Clayton and me. The boys were getting tired and I sat on Clayton's bed, held their hands, and prayed over them. I was thanking God for helping us finish our radiation, for healing of Clayton's tumor and for continued good health through treatment.. etc. As I said Amen and opened my eyes, I looked over and saw big tears down Clayton's face. Just with a simple word, I said.. It's ok to cry. With that, my little champion who rarely sheds a tear just sobbed and sobbed as I held him to my chest. Just sobbing. His little heart has had it. He's tired and he just wants his normal life back. As I was asking him what was wrong, he refused to answer. Friends, the hurt of this little child and my inability to fix it, it just overwhelming. I can't hear his thoughts, but I know who can. Lord, please speak peace over his heart. Please touch him today in a special way. May his 7th birthday be a day he always remembers as a time for growth, healing and special growth to the little man he's becoming. May this defining moment in Clayton's life be something that makes him stronger and a bigger warrior for the Kingdom.
Please pray for the next 23 weeks of chemo to go by quickly... for no new growth.. for peace over Clayton's heart, for minimal side effects...for strength in clayton. This momma wants to celebrate the tumor gone, take my baby, run the other way and never look back... but I can't do that for 23 more weeks. Please pray us through it.
Please tell Clayton kohen from woodway elementary says hi and happy birthday. We had to move away, but are remembering Clayton in thoughts and prayers.
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